Verified and Trusted XCP Dispensers

Below is a list of XCP dispensers that are known to be trustworthy by the community. The list is updated a couple of time a week.

This list is curated by Niftyboss (tg: )

# Dispenser Cost Amount (at time of posting)
1 Dispenser 0.00022700763 XCP
2 Dispenser 0.00024500397 XCP
3 Dispenser 0.00026800508 XCP
4 Dispenser 0.0002750090 XCP


To qualify for the verified list, XCP dispensers must meet the following criteria (to keep buyers from getting scammed):
-owner is a long-time trusted member of the counterparty community, or has been dispensing XCP for 60+ days, with no reported issues
-owner is reachable in case of issues and responds within 24 hours
-source address is not associated to a known scammer address
Note: The verification process is currently manual